Tips and Tricks for Eating a Rainbow Everyday


The other day, somebody asked me if I recommend any seasonings to add to vegetables to make them more appealing.  They said they were trying to incorporate more vegetables into their diet and they didn’t know how.  And that’s when I realized that I’m abnormal in that I LOVE vegetables.  I mean, come on, we’ve all heard “You can only have dessert if you finish all of your broccoli.”  or, “You’ll only grow big and strong if you eat your carrots.” I think it’s an instinct for parents to enforce the importance of eating vegetables to their child.  Why?  Because they’re healthy and we need to eat them!  I definitely didn’t love vegetables as a child as much as I do now.  I will always remember the moment when I found out that my mom had been putting cauliflower in my mashed potatoes for years…I was so disappointed.  But now I’m so thankful.  Funny how that happens, huh?!

We all know that we need to eat vegetables every day in one way or another. They are a host of fabulous micronutrients, fiber, and all of that good stuff.  And hey, they’re delicious!  For those of you who find that eating vegetables is a chore, here are some ways that I recommend incorporating vegetables into your daily diet. 


1. Smoothies!  Although I’m not the biggest fan of smoothies,  (I like to chew my food) they are a great way to hide some veggies.  You can disguise a whole handful of spinach in a smoothie and not even know it’s there! (Well, the green color might give it away, but don’t let that discourage you!  You won’t be able to taste a difference.)

2.  Make veggie noodles!  I have this fantastic tool-it’s kind of like a cucumber peeler-and it makes ribbons of vegetables.  Instead of eating pasta, I like to eat veggie pasta!  I use this tool to create zucchini noodles, carrot noodles, and cucumber noodles!  This is a great (and paleo) replacement for pasta and is a delicious way to eat some veggies.

3.  Chop them up really tiny!  I absolutely hate the texture of squash, but if I chop it up really small, it’s hard to find! If the texture of vegetables is what throws you off, add tiny pieces of veggies to anything-sauces, soups, or even eggs, and get the health benefits of vegetables without the texture. 

4.  Make a veggie omelet! Yum!  Some of my favorite omelet ingredients are mushrooms, tomatoes, spinach, kale, and bell pepper.  Just give the veggies a quick sauté before you add the eggs to the pan.

5.  Learn to eat veggies plain and raw.  I know this may sound obvious, but eating vegetables in their most whole, raw, and natural state is the best way to get all of the health benefits that they offer.  Vegetables each have their own unique and wonderful flavors that are hidden so often by sauces, dressings, dips, and flavorings.  Try them on their own and discover how delicious they are!


Try these suggestions, and find what works for you.  Using whatever method you choose, be sure to eat your rainbow everyday! 

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