Go-To Snacks


Come on, who doesn’t get the 4 o’clock munchies?  I definitely do, and if I don’t eat, I get hangry! (hungry+angry=hangry) Whenever I get hungry I just sauté some kale and tofu. Totally kidding-no one has time for that every time they are hungry!  These are my go-to snacks for when my tummy starts making those grumbling noises that we’re all familiar with…

 Dates and Peanut Butter

I. Love.  Dates.  They’re so delicious and so sweet!  Although I would love to just feast on dates alone, I know that’s probably not the best call.  To add some protein to the mix, I cut the dates in half, remove the pit, and smother each side with almond butter or peanut butter.  If I’m feeling like a need a little bit of an additional protein boost, I’ll sprinkle some chia seeds on top of the nut butter.  The combination of PB and dates is heavenly…it really tastes like a Peanut Butter Cookie Larabar (my favorite flavor!  A post about how much I adore Larabars is coming soon!) A few of these date halves and I’m usually set for a couple hours.  This makes a perfect pre-workout snack…lots of carbs for energy!

 Banana and Cocoa Powder

This is a great snack for after dinner when I don’t have much room left but need something sweet.  I simply slice half a banana and sprinkle some cocoa powder on top.  The cocoa powder is bitter at first, but the banana’s sweetness combined with the bitterness of the cocoa is perfect!

 Apples with Cinnamon

 Apple pie….yum.  A yummy and healthy alternative?  Cut some red or green apples into small chunks and sprinkle with cinnamon!  If you’re feeling adventurous, add a drop of vanilla extract and/or some chia seeds for a protein boost.  Simple and delish! (Another great option for that post-dinner sweet tooth!)

 Avo and a Hard-Boiled Egg

The snacks I mentioned are all sweet, and sometimes I feel like I need a snack without a load of sugar (even if it’s fruit sugar.)  That’s when I turn to avocados.  I always have avocados around-they’re usually incorporated into one of my meals or snacks every day.  They contain MUFAs-monounsaturated fatty acids-which are supposed to help keep you feeling full.  Avocados are also so delicious and creamy…LOVE them! If I’m feeling like I need a substantial snack during the day, my go to is half of an avocado and a hard-boiled egg.  I usually add a pinch of salt to my avocado for flavor.  This is a delicious and protein packed snack. 

 These quick and easy snacks are great for whenever hunger strikes, (often!) and are easy for me to pack and bring along with me during my busy days.  

Red Apple Lipstick

Okay, I know it’s silly that my first post isn’t even about food…. but it’s related, sort of!  I’m gluten intolerant, and just learned about the importance of using gluten free lipstick and lip balm.  (Think about it, we totally ingest what we put on our lips.)  Red Apple Lipstick, a company that makes 100% gluten free cosmetics, was kind enough to give me 3 products to try.  I have the Rallye Balm, the Exfoliate Stick, and the lipstick in the color Audrey.  I am in love with all 3 of the products that they gave me, and it’s so great to be confident that I’m not ingesting any gluten when wearing these cosmetics.  These products are paraben free as well-another plus! The Rallye balm and Exfoliate Stick have made my lips so soft, and the lipstick does not dry out my lips and adds the perfect touch of color!  These products also unflavored and unscented, which is great because they don’t irritate my skin.  I am so excited to use up these products and buy more! Thanks so much to Red Apple Lipstick for the samples!  I am in love with these products and it’s so great to be confident that I am using cosmetics that are good for my health.