Sweet Potatoes for Breakfast?

Sweet potatoes for breakfast? Okay!

You might be thinking that this should be included in my post about the most important meal of the day, but no.  This deserves a post of its own.  I used to not like sweet potatoes.  At all.  But all of a sudden, something changed.  Now I love them!  I usually eat them for dinner, but lately I’ve been hearing all about people eating them for breakfast.  So I decided to give it a whirl.

This morning’s breakfast was a sweet potato topped with a hard-boiled egg, avocado, Daiya vegan cheese, and salsa.  



It.  Was.  DELICIOUS.  The sweetness of the potato mixed with the savory flavor of the cheese and the spiciness of the salsa was divine!  This breakfast filled me up and was a great start to my day.  (It was great pre-work out fuel!)

After this breakfast, I’m officially obsessed with sweet potatoes.  They are so versatile-you can even use them for baking!  Try using cooked sweet potato instead of canned pumpkin in my “everything but gluten, dairy, refined sugar, grains, and the kitchen sink muffins” Try a sweet potato for breakfast in the morning, like I did; add cheese, nutritional yeast, avocado, an egg, salsa, or greens. 

If you don’t have time to steam a sweet potato, you can pop it in the microwave for seven-ish minutes. (But first, stab holes in the skin with a fork.) This is a quick and easy way to get breakfast ready. 

So let’s talk nutrition, shall we?  You know that gorgeous orange color that sweet potatoes have? Think beta-carotene. I’m no medical professional, but I do know that you need this stuff in your body.  If you look up the nutrition stats for a sweet potato, you’ll find a long list of micronutrients with high percentages next to them-score!  Just one sweet potato has over 1000% percent of the recommended daily value of vitamin A.  Woah!

So try a sweet potato for your next meal, whether it’s breakfast, lunch, dinner, or even just a filling snack.  You’ll thank me later; I promise. 

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