DF/GF Traveling

Dear Flight Attendant,

No thanks on the pretzels.

Oh, and hold the bread with that meal.

Wait, does the sauce on the chicken contain flour?

Lots of love and sorry for being “that annoying person on the plane”,

Moriah and the rest of the GF people on the flight

Traveling GF can be a little bit stressful; you never know what restaurants will be in the airport, you never know what they’ll serve on the plane, and you never know who, in a foreign country, will understand you when you tell them what you can’t eat.

This is my first time traveling to a foreign country being both gluten and dairy free, so here’s what I’m bringing with me:

Packed lunch:  I hate dealing with airport food.  I don’t like eating in a rush, I don’t like the limited options, and I don’t like “settling” for my best option-which may just be lettuce on a plate with some vinegar.  Since I don’t know what to expect, I’m definitely bringing a lunch to eat on the plane.

Bars:  For that awkward moment when my tummy rumbles and they hand out pretzels 😦


Agave: To keep in my purse for coffee.  These little packets are perfect for on the go!  Nothing to do with being GF or DF, but this way, I can avoid those tempting bright-colored little packets of aspartame and refined sugar at the coffee shop.


Almond Butter:  Well…just because you can never go wrong with nut butter!


I’m leaving on a two-week trip in just about 24 hours and haven’t started packing, so I’m going to stop blogging and get to it.
Stay tuned for a post about what worked and what didn’t (if anything) regarding food on the trip!

I can’t wait to return to Israel and indulge in my favorite food in the world!  It’s about to be an amazing two weeks!

(I’m looking forward to not being judged for eating salad for breakfast!)

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